Opelousas School of Cosmetology
Instructor 750 Clock Hours
Diploma Program
CIP Code: 12.0413
Instructor Program
Our Instructor course is 750 clock hours and takes about 8 months to complete. As an student instructor, you will study the skills and techniques related to the teaching of cosmetology arts and sciences. Student instructors learn how to relate their skills and knowledge of cosmetology to others through demonstrations, lectures, and proper planning. The course combines theory and practical experiences in lesson development and presentation.
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities include product educator, platform artist, as well as instructor. You can find out more occupational information for Instructor (SOC 39-5012) click here
Program Cost
The program cost for the cosmetology instructor program is $9050 and breaks down as follows:
$8250 Tuition
$800 Books, Manikins & Supplies
All our student learning material are Milady's Master Educator 13th Edition:
Textbook Softcover ISBN-13: 9781133693697
Exam Review ISBN-13: 9781133776598
Admission Requirements
The following are required for admission into the Instructor program:
*School Enrollment Application
*State Issued Id or Driver's License
*High School Diploma, GED/HiSET Certificate, or State Certification of Home School Completion
*Social Security Card
*Current Cosmetology License
*4 Color Photos (2x2 size head shot)
*$300 Down Payment
For more information about our Instructor course, view the catalog by clicking the button below.